The life story of Ronaldo DiCaprio

بواسطة Unknown بتاريخ السبت، 16 أغسطس 2014 | 4:14 م

The life story of Ronaldo DiCaprio

Born Leonardo DiCaprio on November 11, 1974 in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, United States.

His mother was Aarji German origin, and his father was of Italian descent. His parents know each other and they are in the name of the university was named for Aonadro where his mother was watching the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci when he made his first kick him she was pregnant with it. His parents get a divorce and he did not exceed the year and lived with his mother. He graduated from the School John Marshall High School.


Began his first job in 1991 through the film (Critters 3), achieved his first success in 1992 when chosen by actor Robert De Niro among the 400 young people to play the main role in the movie (This Boy's Life). In 1993, co-Johnny Depp film (What's Eating Gilbert Grape), where he performed the role of a boy suffering from a mental disability so he grabbed Oscar nominations for this film as the best supporting actor nomination for unlike the Golden Globe as best supporting actor for the film itself.

Won a Golden Globe Award in 2005 as best supporting actor for best actor in a leading role for the film (The Aviator), and was nominated for an Academy Award for the film itself. And his role in the movie (Blood Diamond) was nominated for Leonardo DiCaprio for Best Actor in a Leading Role by Oscar and a Golden Globe. Nominated for BAFTA Award 3 times and 9 times Golden Globe Award and an Oscar three times.

Born Leonardo DiCaprio on November 11, 1974 in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, United States.

His mother was Aarji German origin, and his father was of Italian descent. His parents know each other and they are in the name of the university was named for Aonadro where his mother was watching the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci when he made his first kick him she was pregnant with it. His parents get a divorce and he did not exceed the year and lived with his mother. He graduated from the School John Marshall High School.


Began his first job in 1991 through the film (Critters 3), achieved his first success in 1992 when chosen by actor Robert De Niro among the 400 young people to play the main role in the movie (This Boy's Life). In 1993, co-Johnny Depp film (What's Eating Gilbert Grape), where he performed the role of a boy suffering from a mental disability so he grabbed Oscar nominations for this film as the best supporting actor nomination for unlike the Golden Globe as best supporting actor for the film itself.

Won a Golden Globe Award in 2005 as best supporting actor for best actor in a leading role for the film (The Aviator), and was nominated for an Academy Award for the film itself. And his role in the movie (Blood Diamond) was nominated for Leonardo DiCaprio for Best Actor in a Leading Role by Oscar and a Golden Globe. Nominated for BAFTA Award 3 times and 9 times Golden Globe Award and an Oscar three times.

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وهنا يا عزيزى العميل قد وصلنا لنهاية موضوعنا عن شركة تنظيف الواجهات بالدمام, وهذا بعد ان قمت بتوضيح كل شى عن الشركة ولو اردت الاستفسار عن اى شى او حل اى مشكلة تواجهك بالنسبة لتنظيف واجهات زجاج وحجر بالدمام يجب عليك التواصل مع شركة وادى الرياض على الرقم الموحد فى الدمام
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خدمات منزليه يقول...

نحن نتميز عن غيرنا في اداء الخدمه حيث لدينا المواد والادوات والاجهزه التي من الصعب ايجادها الا معنا .العمال التي تعاقدت معنا فهم افضل عمال علي مستوي العالم قد تدربو علي ايد خبراء في هذا المجال وخدماتنا هي
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نتمني لكم الصحه السليمه

دكتور تجميل يقول...

في عيادة الدكتور محمد عبد القادر افضل دكتور تجميل انف فى مصر نوفر لك كل ما تحتاجه للوصول إلى الشكل الجذاب الذي تحلم به، والوصول للشكل المثالي لتناغم وتناسق الأنف مع الوجه، وحل مشكلات التنفس في حال انحراف الحاجز الأنفي وكذلك نوفر عملية ترميم الأنف وفلسفتنا دائما هي الحفاظ على الأهداف الوظيفية للأنف والحفاظ على تناسقه مع الوجه، ومحاولة تقليل فترة نقاهة أقل والحد من التورمات الناتجة من العملية ما يقوم به بعد ذلك افضل دكتور تجميل انف فى مصر بعد ذلك سيقوم الطبيب بتقييم صحتك العامة، وتحديد الأساليب الجراحية المتاحة المناسبة لحالتك ومناقشتها معك، ثم سيقوم بقياس أبعاد الوجه والأنف وأخذ بعض الصور قبل الجراحة ثم سيخبرك بما هو مطلوب منك بالضبط؛ فإذا كنت مدخنا مثلا لابد من الإقلاع عن التدخين قبل العملية بأسابيع و إيقاف تناول الأسبرين وأدوية أخرى وتنظيم الوجبات وغيرها من التعليمات الأخرى التي سيخبرك بها.

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